Android NDK Error: ‘std::string’ has not been declared

Recently using NDK, add to the C++ header file
#include <string>

After ndk-build, I got an error
x.h: fatal error: string: No such file or directory

Try replacing it with
#include <string.h>
The error continues after ndk-build
x.h: error: ‘std::string’ has not been declared

I was really depressed, then I searched the internet, and it turns out that I need to make Android NDK support STL
Import STL libraries to the Android NDK code
> This is a quick tip for those who are beginning to write native Android code.
> As one may have noticed, it isn’t possible to use containers like, string, vector, list inside the NDK samples.
> These are all part of the STL (Standard Template Library), and are expected to be available when writing C++ code.
> The, works similarly as the Android manifest file for your NDK code,
> allowing the programmer to add permissions and define other applications’ properties, like such as ‘enabling’ the STL support.

Place the in the jni directory (the content is as follows)
APP_STL := stlport_static

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