Installing ncurses devel in Ubuntu 10.10

To solve the problem of lack of ‘ncurses devel’ library support when using ‘make menuconfig’ to configure Linux kernel in Ubuntu 10.10

*** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the

*** required header files.

*** ‘make menuconfig’ requires the ncurses libraries.


*** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.


1. Problem status

Generally, you can install it by using the software manager apt get (` sudo apt get install ncurses devel ‘), but after using it, you will get the following error prompt:

Reading package list… Done

Parsing dependency tree for package

Reading status information… Done

E: The package ncurses devel was not found

Try another command ‘sudo apt get install ncurses’ again, and it appears:

Reading package list… Done

Parsing dependency tree for package

Reading status information… Done

There is no package ncurses available, but it is referenced by other packages

This may mean that the missing package may have been discarded

Or it can only be found in other publishing sources

E: Package ncurses has no candidate to install

2. Solutions

Almost every Linux distribution has an installation package of ‘ncurses’ and’ ncurses devel ‘. According to the error prompt of the second command above, “ncurses is not available now, but it is referenced by other packages.” It can be determined that the service side of the Ubuntu software manager has been modified. So go to Ubuntu package archive( )Search whether the installation package exists, use ‘ncurses devel’ as the keyword search, no results. The search for ‘ncurses’ yielded a lot of results. According to the description of each returned search result, it can be found that ‘ncurses devel’ is named after ‘libncurses5 dev’ in Ubuntu

#Sudo apt get install libncurses5 dev

Then try ‘make menuconfig’ again. You can enter the kernel configuration normally

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