Solution to fatal error in launcher: unable to create process using ‘”‘In PIP installation

When using pip to install modules in

python, the following message appears: fatal error in launcher: unable to create process using ‘”‘


reason: PIP may be installed in many places in the system, and all of them are added to the environment variables

in the system


1. Check whether the path of PIP command is repeated: CMD command: where pip, there are multiple paths as follows


2. Copy the environment variable path to TXT, remove the unnecessary related path, save it, reopen the console, and use PIP again to install


multi version PIP usage:

if you really need to have multiple pips in the environment, for example, if you have installed python2 and python3 at the same time, you can refer to the following method to install

with the pip of the specified version of Python

python2 -m pip install xxx


python3 -m pip install xxx

ultimate solution:

reason: it needs to be used like this in Windows environment, – I don’t understand the reason, and the Python – M instruction can’t find the exact meaning


there are also hints that it’s a problem with the PIP version. Just update the pip to the latest version. The update command is “Python – M PIP install — upgrade PIP”

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