[Solved] Eclipse project red exclamation mark: build path problem

Eclipse red exclamation mark: Build Path Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
A cycle was detected in the build path of project ‘shgl-category-api’. The cycle consists of projects {shgl-category-api, shgl-category-provider} shgl-category-api Build path Build Path Problem

The project has a red exclamation mark There are several possible causes.

First, convert eclipse to Markers view, windows —->show view —->markers, check the specific error message.

1, project right click properties java build path click library tab change jre system library to your local jre or jdk

2, multiple project project cycle reference, resulting in, “A cycle was detected in the build path of project: XXX”

The solution is very simple.
Eclipse Menu -> Window -> Preferences… -> Java -> Compiler -> Building -> Building path problems -> Circular dependencies -> Change Error to Warning

3, the project cannot be built until its prerequisite problem. Solution.

Close the project. Then open, project-> clean can be

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