svn: Aborting commit: ”.settings’ remains in tree

Svn: About commit: ‘e:// myeclipse2013/workspacestarnet/billsystem \. Settings’ remains in tree conflict

The following error is reported during commit operation on the project:

svn: Aborting commit: ‘E:\MyEclipse2013\WorkspacesStarnet\BillSystem\.settings’ remains in tree-conflict

Cause analysis:

Previously, I ignored uploading the. Setting file folder. This file does not exist on SVN, so there will be conflicts when submitting. This problem is usually caused by deleting some files


1. Right click on the project — > team> Show tree conflicts a SVN tree conflicts view appears

2. Right click the conflict in the list of views and select resolve… To mark it as resolved

3. If you submit your project again, you will not make a mistake

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