Tag Archives: 2003 cant connect o mysql server on xxx (10060 unknown error)

[Solved] 2003 – cant connect o mysql server on xxx (10060 unknown error)

2003 – cant connect o mysql server on xxx (10060 unknown error)

When using local Navicat to connect to the database in Linux, it is found that an error as shown in the following figure occurs

This error means that in Linux, our firewall does not release the port used by the database, resulting in the failure of Navicat connection.


1. Check whether MySQL in Linux has been started

ps -ef | grep mysql

Execute the command, as shown in the figure, it has been started

2. Release MySQL port 3306

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent

3. Restart the firewall and see if it works

firewall-cmd --reload        #restart firewall
firewall-cmd --list-ports    #check the open ports