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Linux cron has no effect after executing the script, and the log reports an error orphan (no passwd entry)

We can execute the script directly, but using cron has no effect. If you check the log (/ var/log/cron), an error will be reported by orphan (no passwd entry)

Reason: environment variable


1. All commands need to be written in absolute path form, such as:/usr/local/bin/docker.

2. Use the following code at the beginning of the shell script:


. /etc/profile
. ~/.bash_profile

3. Add environment variables in/etc/crontab, and add the command./etc/profile before the executable command/ Bin/sh to make the environment variable effective, for example:

20 03 * * * . /etc/profile;/bin/sh /var/www/runoob/test.sh

“21442;” “32771;”https://www.runoob.com/linux/linux-comm-crontab.html


Xcframework compilation failed, in which IOS simulator framework succeeded and device framework failed

An error will be reported when the script compiles xcframework, and the prompt XXXXXXXX/device.xcarchive/xxxxxxxx/your_ Framework not found. But the directory of the simulator can be found. In other words, the two frameworks and devices contained in the xcframework failed and the simulator succeeded

Check step by step and locate the error:

Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

Code sign reports an error, that is, signing the framework with a certificate reports an error

Then locate the error as

unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "(null)"

There is a problem with the root certificate

There is a certificate named Apple worldwide developer relations certification authority in the keychain system. Delete it

Download the new certificate at


Recompile, successful.

Git pull code authentication failed with error: fatal: authentication failed for “XXXX”

The main reason for this problem is that the account and password are wrong

The solution is very simple. Open your git bash here on the project, and then enter git config — System — unset credential.helper. After exiting, pull the project again. You will be asked to enter your account and password. Enter it and it will be OK

If the problem has not been solved, it means that there is a problem with your account and password. Check whether the account and password are entered incorrectly and whether the password has expired. My problem is that the password has expired and needs to be reset

If not, open the control panel – user account – credential manager – manage windows credentials – normal credentials (delete all), and then repeat the above operation. OK! everything will be fine!

Springcontextholder usage report springcontextholder usage report error: applicaitoncontext property is not injected, please define springcontextholder in applicationcontext.xml error: applicaitoncontext property is not injected, please define springcontextholder in applicationcontext.xml


  take   The redisutil instance obtained by springcontextholder is changed to and injected through the spring field. Use @ autoconfigureafter (redisutil. Class)    Autoconfigureafter: enables the loading of workflowlistener in the   After redisutil. In this way, redisutil has been loaded when the workflowlistener is loaded


Object deserialization, throw java.io.streamcorruptedexception: invalid type code: AC exception

Open source software supply chain lighting plan, waiting for you>>>

when the object is deserialized, java.io.streamcorruptedexception: invalid type code: AC exception is thrown

Reference article:

(1) Object deserialization, throw java.io.streamcorruptedexception: invalid type code: AC exception

(2) https://www.cnblogs.com/ouhaitao/p/7683514.html

Let’s make a note.

Ethereum eth cannot transfer money. The status has always been the reason for the pending status and the solution

Someone must have encountered the same problem as me. There are still some eth in the account, but one transaction has been in the pending state, resulting in all subsequent transactions stuck. Unless this pending transaction is packaged by miners. Please pay attention to nonce. Since each transaction nonce of each account is incremental, if you trade again with the nonce of the successful transaction, you will definitely report an error nonce too low. If you choose to cancel the transaction, you should pay attention to that there will still be a service charge. In fact, the essence of canceling the transaction is to speed up the transaction, but the transfer amount becomes 0, but the service charge will still be deducted. After successful cancellation, the block browser will find an additional transaction with 0 transfer amount

1. It is found that an order has been in the pending state, and all subsequent transactions cannot be carried out normally

2. Solution, by setting a higher gasprice to override or replace the transaction

3. Next, the account can be transferred normally

PS: the key is, again – > The same nonce and higher gasprice. If it is a metamask transaction, you can override the transaction by setting advanced reset account

After the program is compiled successfully, it will exit immediately and show thread1: breakpoint 3.1

Problem description

After the program is compiled successfully, it will exit immediately and show thread1: breakpoint 3.1

Problem solving

breakpoint?Where are breakpoints used?How to set and cancel breakpoints

Online search, found that someone on CocoaChina encountered the same problem, the original is careless use of the breakpoint, the breakpoint can be canceled

Breakpoint, one of the functions of debugger, can make the program break where it needs to, so as to facilitate its analysis. You can also set a breakpoint in one debugging. Next time, just let the program automatically run to the breakpoint setting position, you can interrupt at the last breakpoint setting position, which greatly facilitates the operation and saves time

Novice Xcode run program immediately after the exit, thread1: breakpoint 2.1

technical questions sent to Q & A: I know, I still have to publish questions in the forum
why does it quit when I run it, and the simulator is always black, when I press stop, the simulator can run like a mobile phone
when I want to watch the real-time data of slider, it can’t watch it
a breakpoint was found on the console. What do you mean?How to solve it

go back to chenye277’s post
this is the breakpoint when your program is running
just remove the breakpoint


