Tag Archives: AL lib: UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz

Blender Install Error: AL lib: UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz , got 48000hz instead

AL lib: < EE> UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz , got 48000hz instead

The solution to the problem

to open blender player, a command box appears and cannot be opened

Open blender.exe and the following error appears

AL lib: < EE> UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz , got 48000hz instead

first check:

I don’t think the warning printed to the console is due to a crash. A crash may occur at startup for many reasons, so let’s check some things:

Ensure that your GPU driver supports at least OpenGL 1.4
ensure that you have installed the redistributable package of msvc2013( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 )
try to disable any running antivirus software
make sure that no Python executable is available in your% path% environment variable
try to download it from our buildbo The latest construction of T
try to start blender in factory settings (- factory startup command line option – this will show if this is a userpref or add on issue)
try to put this DLL in your blender.exe (software OGL, it will be slow, but it will show whether it is a driver problem)

All versions of blender can be downloaded from: http://download.blender.org/release/

Download from the latest version and find all versions

notes for downloading: (when downloading, it is better to select the browser to download, otherwise the file cannot be found. http://download.blender.org/release/ When there is a file being downloaded, there may be 403 Forbidden access error)

finally, find the version 2.76b – win 32 to open

version number that can be opened:


Version 2.76b – win 32


Version number that cannot be opened:










2.67b.msi – .exe
