Tag Archives: apiserver

K8s binary deployment start API-server error: Error: unknown flag: –etcdservers

 systemctl status kube-apiserver  failed to startup

check the error in the log

cat /var/log/messages|grep kube-apiserver|grep -i error

Jan 11 11:22:44 m1 kube-apiserver: --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files
Jan 11 11:25:16 m1 kube-apiserver: Error: unknown flag: --etcdservers
Jan 11 11:25:16 m1 kube-apiserver: --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files
Jan 11 11:25:16 m1 kube-apiserver: --logtostderr    

【Error: unknown flag: --etcdservers】 that I wrote the wrong string.

I copied the pdf content of the textbook; --etcdservers copied out and pasted into notepad, and found that the [-] symbol was missing.

chrome browser copy pdf - line feed content to notepad++ less [-] symbol

so pay attention to the differences in copying content.

Successful startup after correction