Tag Archives: Attribute application@label value=(xxx) from AndroidManifest.xml:8:1637 is also present at [com.github.adrielcafe:AndroidAudioConverter:0.0.8] AndroidManifest.xml:11:1850 value=(@string/app_name)

Attribute application@label value=(xxx) from AndroidManifest.xml:8:16-37 is also present at [com.github.adrielcafe:AndroidAudioConverter:0.0.8] AndroidManifest.xml:11:18-50 value=(@string/app_name)

about Android compilation errors application@label value=(xxx) from AndroidManifest.xml:8:16-37 is also present at [com.github.adrielcafe:AndroidAudioConverter:0.0.8] AndroidManifest.xml:11:18-50 value=(@string/app_name).Suggestion: add ‘tools:replace=”android:label”‘ to element at AndroidManifest.xml:8:3-29:17 to override.

The general meaning of the problem is that the label of application needs to be manually set and overwritten in the androidmanifest.xml file

Locate the Android/APP/SRC/main/androidmanifest.xml file in the project folder

Find the application tag. If not, create a new one under the manifest tag, as follows

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="<package name>">
  <application xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" tools:replace="android:label" android:label="app name" 

Android: label is the name of the final display in your project, Android: icon is the icon file, and the added information is


You must add the line xmlns: tools, or an error will be reported. After adding, you must specify the value of Android: label as your app name, or an error will be reported

Save and recompile 👌 Yes