Tag Archives: C#

Xlua#: How to Call C

Call C in xlua#

1. Premise

The xlua framework is used here. You need to configure xlua in advance and set the loader path;

You can refer to the previous blog: xlua introduction;

//On the call side, all the lua code is written in the LuaCallCSharp.lua file
public class LuaCallCSharp1 : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

    private void OnDestroy()

2. Call c# class

Static class

public static class TestStatic
    public static void ShowName(string name, int id)


Dynamic class

public class NPC
    public string name;
    public int attack;

    public NPC(string name,int attack)
        this.name = name;
        this.attack = attack;

    public int Hp { get; set; }

    public void Attack()

local hero = CS.NPC("Angel",100)
hero.Hp = 110

Call unity official API

local go = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject("LuaObj ")

Lua does not support generics. You need to write every possible overload where generics are used;

Call parent and child classes

public class Father
    public string name = "father";

    public virtual void Say()

public class Child :Father
    public string name = "child";

    public override void Say()

local father = CS.Father()

local child = CS.Child()

Class expansion method

The extended class must be a static class, and the class must have the attribute [luacallcsharp]; C# type expansion method;

It will be affected by xlua version and unity version, resulting in call failure. The official recommended version of xlua is 2017 (too outdated);

public class TestExtension
    public string Test1()
        return "test";

public static class MyExtension
    public static void Test2(this TestExtension obj)
        Debug.Log("ExtensionFunc:"+ obj.Test1());

local testEx = CS.TestExtension()


3. Call c# structure

Structures are similar to classes and have construction methods;

public struct TestStruct
    public int id;
    public string name;

    public void Output()

local teststrut = CS.TestStruct()

teststrut.id = 12
teststrut.name = "littlePerilla"


4. Call c# enumeration

Enumerate the userdate user-defined data types used;

public enum State
    idle = 0,

local state = CS.State.idle



5. Call the delegation in c#

Static delegate assignment call must be released;

Dynamic delegation is not necessary, but it is best to release it;

Make a null judgment before calling the delegate;

There is no + = or – = method in Lua. Multicast can only be realized through a = a + B;

public delegate void DelegateLua();

public class TestDelegate
    public static DelegateLua deStatic;

    public DelegateLua deDynamic;

    public static void Func()

    public void Func2()

CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = CS.TestDelegate.Func
CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = nil

local func = function ()
	-- body

CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = func
if(CS.TestDelegate.deStatic ~= nil)then
	CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = CS.TestDelegate.deStatic + func
	CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = func

if(CS.TestDelegate.deStatic ~= nil)then

CS.TestDelegate.deStatic = nil
local test = CS.TestDelegate()

local func1 = function()

test.deDynamic = func1
test.deDynamic = nil

6. Call c# event

The call of events cannot be copied directly, but (“+”, function) must be used;

The event callback also needs to be released;

public delegate void EventLua();

public class TestEvent
    public event EventLua luaEvent1;
    public static event EventLua luaEvent2;

    public static void Func()

    public static void CallEvent2()
        if (luaEvent2 != null)

    public void CallEvent1()
        if (luaEvent1 != null)


local test = CS.TestEvent()

local func = function ()


C# call Python error no module named OS [How to Solve]

C # calling Python

Environment: Windows 8.1, has installed Python 2.7 (C: Python 27), has configured environment variables. Has installed vs2013, vs2017

1. Install ironpython

Download address http://ironpython.net/download/ I downloaded ironpython-

The installation directory is: F:// program files (x86) – ironpython 2.7

2. Open vs2013 and create a new console program csharpcallpython

3. Add reference

Add a reference to csharpcallpython, ironpython.dll and microsoft.scripting.dll under F: (program files (x86)  ironpython 2.7  platforms  net40

4. Add the PY script file python1.py in csharpcallpython, and select to copy it locally. The code is as follows

def add(num1,num2):
    return num1+num2;

Add code in csharpcallpython


ScriptRuntime pyRuntime = Python.CreateRuntime(); //Create a runtime environment

        dynamic obj = pyRuntime.UseFile("Python1.py"); // call a Python file

        int a = 1, b = 2;

        int sum = obj.add(a,b); //call the sum function in the Python file

The running result is sum = 3

This is the end of the call. Thank you. If this is possible, then it is impossible. Please see below

How to reference the third party Library

How to use the Library under OS?Let’s continue to add the PY script file python2.py

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import os
import shutil

def ClearDirect(path):#

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path,topdown=False):
        print 'root',root
        for dir in dirs:

            print 'delete:',os.path.join(root, dir)
            #os.removedirs(os.path.join(root, dir))
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))

    return 'OK'

The purpose of the script is to delete the subdirectory of the incoming directory and add C code

     ScriptRuntime pyRuntime2 = Python.CreateRuntime(); //Create a runtime environment
        dynamic obj2 = pyRuntime.UseFile("Python2.py"); // call a Python file
        obj2.ClearDirect(@"D:\Data\KkImage\2017"); //

After running, I’m very sorry for the error

Unhandled exception of type "IronPython.Runtime.Exceptions.ImportException" in Microsoft.Dynamic.dll 

Additional information: No module named os  

The OS module was not found

7. How can I use the OS library

Add in python2.py

import sys
sys.path.append("F:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\lib")

Code becomes

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys
sys.path.append("F:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\lib")
import os
import shutil

def ClearDirect(path):#delete

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path,topdown=False):
        print 'root',root
        for dir in dirs:

            print 'delete:',os.path.join(root, dir)
            #os.removedirs(os.path.join(root, dir))
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))

    return 'OK'

Run again, found subdirectory deleted successfully. Congratulations

8. In the Python code above, add

  sys.path.append("F:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\lib")

When the program is released, the path on the server will change. If there are dozens of Python files, do you have to modify the path one by one?It’s horrible to think about it

So, you can use the following method. (first, remove the sentence “sys. Path. Append” in the python file (F: program files (x86) – ironpython 2.7 – lib “)

ScriptRuntime pyRuntime3 = Python.CreateRuntime(); //Create a runtime environment
            var engine = pyRuntime3.GetEngine("python");
            var pyScope = engine.CreateScope();
            var paths = engine.GetSearchPaths();
            paths.Add(@"F:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\lib");
            dynamic obj3 = pyRuntime3.UseFile("Python2.py"); //Calling a Python file
            obj3.ClearDirect(@"D:\Data\KkImage\2017"); //

If you specify the location of the library in the engine, you don’t need to specify it in each Python file

Transcoding of system.web.httputility.urlencode in C #

Recently, we need to interface with Java program. The URL transcoding problem we encountered is as follows:

The characters generated by urlencoder.encode used in Java URL encoding are uppercase, and the English ‘(‘, ”) are converted to ‘(‘, ‘) 28’ and ‘(‘) 29 ‘ respectively

However, the characters generated by httputility.urlencode in c#are lowercase and the English brackets are not transcoded , so the characters generated by the two are inconsistent, leading to system errors

The solution is posted below:

1. Character case problem:

//Uppercase conversion of transcoded characters does not convert parameters to uppercase (used)
 public static string GetUpperEncode(string encodeUrl)
            var result = new StringBuilder();
            int index = int.MinValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < encodeUrl.Length; i++)
                string character = encodeUrl[i].ToString();
                if (character == "%")
                    index = i;
                if (i - index == 1 || i - index == 2)
                    character = character.ToUpper();
            return result.ToString();
//Other methods searched on the web, by this method instead of calling HttpUtility.UrlEncode directly
private static string UrlEncode(string temp, Encoding encoding)
      StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
        string t = temp[i].ToString();
        string k = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(t, encoding);
        if (t == k)
      return stringBuilder.ToString();

2. English bracket question:

//Solved by replacing the string
encodeurl= encodeurl.Replace("(","%28");
encodeurl=encodeurl.Replace(")", "%29");