Tag Archives: cannot set property “preserveWhitespace” of undefined

[Solved] vue.config.js Error: cannot set property “preserveWhitespace” of undefined

vue.config.JS error cannot set property “preservewhitespace” of undefined

Recently, the webpack has been configured in the project. Because vue-cli4 needs to be in Vue config.JS file to complete the relevant configuration, so based on the principle of not making wheels, I went to the online CV method directly, but I found some problems in practice, and reported an error when the project was started cannot set property "preservewhitespace" of undefined

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: (config) =>{
          .test( /\.vue$/)
          .tap((options) =>{
            options.compilerOptions.preserveWhitespace = true

Print out the options option and find that there is no complier options option:

Because the Vue loader I configured here can’t be solved after surfing the Internet for an afternoon, and even some people have made such errors, I pointed the solution to the problem to the document. In the Vue loader document, I saw the option compileroptions :

Good guy, this option is empty by default, so we can’t add it directly below, so we modified the code:

const addOptions = {
  preserveWhitespace: true
module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: (config) =>{
          .test( /\.vue$/)
          .tap((options) =>{
            options.compilerOptions = addOptions

Let’s print the Options options to see if they are added:

We can see that the options are added and the project starts normally. If you encounter similar problems, this option may be empty and cannot be added directly.