Tag Archives: command not found

HDFS Operate hadoop Error: Command not Found [How to Solve]

1. sudo vim /etc/profile

sudo into the profile file



export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-1.8.0_212
export HADOOP_HOME=usr/local/hadoop

Add the above three to the end of the profile file

Press i to edit first, press Esc after writing, then: wq save and exit


3.source /etc/profile

Update environment variables


This problem can be solved by the above three steps

[268] bash: jar: command not found

Open source software supply chain lighting plan, waiting for you>>>

/bin/bash: jar: command not found


cd /usr/bin

You must enter/usr/bin first, the same below

sudo ln -s -f /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_30/bin/jar

My JDK is installed in/usr/lib/JVM/jdk1.6.0_ 30/under the directory

If javah: common not found is prompted, follow the example and enter the command

cd /usr/bin
ln -s -f /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_30/bin/javah

This article is shared in the blog “Zhou Xiaodong” (CSDN).

Mac ADB prompts command not found

Geeks, please accept the hero post of 2021 Microsoft x Intel hacking contest>>>

The reason for this is that Android environment variables are not configured. Therefore, you need to configure environment variables for Android SDK in MAC

Start the terminal of MAC

Enter the home directory of the current user

Enter echo $home on the command line

Create. Bash_ Profile file

Command line input touch. Bash_ profile

Open.bash_ Profile file

Command line input Open – e.bash_ Profile after entering this command line, the. Bash will pop up automatically_ Edit window of profile file

In. Bash_ In the profile file, enter export path =/users/your user name/file path/platform tools /: $path

if you need to add multiple paths to the path, you need to use “:” (colon in English) to separate them
because Android and ADB commands are in different folders, the format is:
Path = ${path}: path 1: path 2
in addition, if you specify multiple paths, you don’t need to write $path at the end
for example:

export ANDROID_ HOME=/Users/*/Library/Android/sdk/

export PATH=$ANDROID_ HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_ HOME/tools:$ANDROID_ HOME/tools/bin

Save the file

Direct close.bash_ Profile file, you can automatically save your input

Update the environment variable you just configured

Enter source. Bash on the command line_ profile

Verify that the configuration is successful

Enter ADB, if – bash: ADB: command not found does not appear; The command parameter explanation of ADB appears. The configuration of environment variables is successful

Then execute the ADB command


adb kill-server

adb start-server

MVN often prompts command not found in MAC

Geeks, please accept the hero post of 2021 Microsoft x Intel hacking contest>>>

~/.bash_ After configuring path in profile, it is found that command not found often occurs in MVN. The reason for the problem lies in the use of Zsh. Switching to bash is normal. If you want to use the command in Zsh normally, you need to configure ~ /. Zshrc, and the configuration content follows ~ /. Bash_ The profile is the same