Tag Archives: – configuration.module has an unknown property ‘loader’

[Solved] configuration.module has an unknown property ‘loader’

Error prompt:

Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
 - configuration.module has an unknown property 'loader'. These properties are valid:
   object { exprContextCritical?, exprContextRecursive?, exprContextRegExp?, exprContextRequest?, loaders?, noParse?, rules?, unknownContextCritical?, unknownContextRecursive?, unknownContextRegExp?, unknownContextRequest?, unsafeCache?, wrappedContextCritical?, wrappedContextRecursive?, wrappedContextRegExp?, strictExportPresence?, strictThisContextOnImports?}
   -> Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).

Rules are used after webpack v2. Change the loaders in module to rules