Tag Archives: could not find developer disk image

Xcode real machine testing could not find developer disk image solution

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Xcode real machine testing could not find developer disk image solution

When using Xcode for real machine debugging, sometimes according to the system of the real machine, there will be an error of could not find developer disk image. This is because the real machine system is too high or too low, and there is no matching configuration package file in Xcode. We can enter the storage directory of the configuration package through this path:


There are some folders like this. If these folders don’t contain our real machine system, we can’t carry out real machine test. But we can solve the problem by adding the corresponding configuration package to this folder

If you don’t provide any files, you will feel like a pit father. Let’s give you a link. There are configuration packages for all versions from IOS 4.2 to 9.1. You can get what you need. Don’t thank me:

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYIQWjE 。

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