Tag Archives: docker pull

docker pull Error: Get https://hub.xxx.com/v1/_ping: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

This problem is encountered when building your own docker warehouse on the intranet because docker does not support HTTP registry by default,

vim /etc/docker/daemon.JSON {“secure registers”: [“hub.Zuobiao.Com”]}

Restart docker

systemctl restart docker. service

Harbor pull code, and you need to log in first:

docker login -u username -p password

Solutions to docker pull error reporting

Today, when using docker, the image file is always reported as an error from the warehouse to the local. After trying, it is finally solved

The error message is as follows:

[docker@web-test ~]$ docker pull nginx
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/nginx
f5d23c7fed46: Already exists 
918b255d86e5: Downloading 
8c0120a6f561: Download complete 
Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: x509: certificate is valid for goldopen.org, www.goldopen.org, not registry-1.docker.io



The solution is as follows:

Step 1: find the available IP through dig @ registry-1.docker.io

[root@archlinux ~]# dig @ registry-1.docker.io 
registry-1.docker.io.   30      IN      A
registry-1.docker.io.   30      IN      A



Step 2: try to modify/etc/hosts to force the domain name related to docker.io to be resolved to other available IP addresses

vim /etc/hosts

Add an available IP: registry-1.docker.io

[Solved] Error in docker pull down image“ https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/ : Net / http: TLS handle timeout “how to handle?

Error in docker pull down image“ https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/ : Net / http: TLS handle timeout “how to handle?


1. Add the following to the file /etc/default/docker:

DOCKER_OPTS=”–insecure-registry $DOCKER_OPTS –insecure-registry registry.mirrors.aliyuncs.com”

2. restart the docker service

$ sudo systemctl restart docker