Tag Archives: Kibana server is not ready yet

Kibana Connect Error: Kibana server is not ready yet [How to Solve]

Problem description

An error occurs when the browser connects to kibana

Kibana server is not ready yet

View kibana log

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-11-29T02:45:50Z","tags":["warning","elasticsearch","admin"],"pid":8,"message":"Unable to revive connection:"}


Check whether the configuration of kibana container startup is consistent with the following

docker run --name kibana \
-p 5601:5601 \
-d kibana:7.6.2

In case of inconsistency, stop the container, delete it, and create a new kibana container again

Then kibana was started and an error was reported

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-11-29T02:53:35Z","tags":["warning","savedobjects-service"],"pid":7,"message":"Another Kibana instance appears to be migrating the index. Waiting for that migration to complete. If no other Kibana instance is attempting migrations, you can get past this message by deleting index .kibana_1 and restarting Kibana."}


Stop the kibana service, and then delete the four indexes from elasticsearch

curl -XDELETE http://IP:9200/.kibana
curl -XDELETE http://IP:9200/.kibana*
curl -XDELETE http://IP:9200/.kibana_2
curl -XDELETE http://IP:9200/.kibana_1