Tag Archives: office

[Solved] office Auto Error: ‘win32com.gen_py….’ has no attribute ‘CLSIDToClassMap’

D4e67c7b7089 error code:

Import Win32 com.client as Win32
word = win32.gencache.ensuredispatch (‘word. Application ‘) ## error location
error prompt:

AttributeError: module ‘win32com.gen_Py. 00020905-0000-0000-c000-000000000046x0x8x5 ‘has no attribute’ clsidtoclassmap ‘
solution: delete the cache folder in the directory  C:\users\Erica\appdata\local\temp\Gen_00020905-0000-0000-c000- 000000000046x0x8x5 in py\3.7 can be used. Re execute the above code and no error will be reported.

Tip: use everything to search Gen_Py, confirm the folder Gen_Py location.

Office com reports an error. It seems that Microsoft’s test is no more than soso

Using c# to write a program to operate word, the machine test is no problem. Get a virtual machine and conduct compatibility test in the XP below. It is found that this error is reported:

InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass’ to interface type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application ‘. This operation failed because the queryinterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID’ {00020970-0000-0000-c000- 000000000046} ‘failed due to the following error:

Finally, it was found that the initial installation was the simplified version of office 2007 that came with ghost. There were residues when uninstalling 2007, which interfered with office 2003. Find the 00020970-0000-0000-c000- 000000000046 primary key. The following typelib item is {00020905-0000-0000-c000- 000000000046}. Then find the {00020905-0000-0000-c000- 000000000046} primary key. The following two items are 8.3 and 8.4. 8.3 is office 2003 and 8.4 is office 2007. Delete branch 8.4. The program runs normally

It has always been thought that Microsoft’s commercial software has the best compatibility. Now it seems that Microsoft’s compatibility test is just like this. Office, a heavyweight software, also has the problem of unclean version uninstallation

Transferred from: http://www.cozyboy.com/archives/79.html

Install Office 16 Click to run extensibility component

When you install Office today, you will be prompted for office 16 Click to run extensibility component or office 15 Click to run extensibility component. If prompt 15 corresponds to office2013, if prompt 16 corresponds to office2016

Delete registry key

In fact, the way to solve the problem is very simple, we just need to delete the residual key of the system registry

Start → run → enter regedit, open the registry and locate to HKEY in turn_ CLASSES_ Root/installer/products , expand products

If it’s office 2013, that is, prompt office 15, find the items at the beginning of 0005, and then delete them all

If it’s office 2016, that is to say, prompt office 16, find the items at the beginning of 0006, and then delete them all

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