Tag Archives: protobuf

[Solved] Protobuf Error: ‘tr1/unordered_map’ file not found

This problem, after checking a lot of information, in general is the problem of the C++ version, the new version of the namespace structure has changed, the C++ library hierarchy has changed



The new version of the header file lookup is modified to <unordered_map>, other tr1/xxx introduced also changed to xxx


The new version of tr1 has been removed, so there is no more intermediate layer here, just set it to std


Implicit instantiation of undefined template ‘std::__1::basic_istream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >’

Here the undefined template is not found, which means we have underincluded the header file, which is also easy to determine, <istream>.

ps: theoretically there will be no problem, but need to practice a little, it is recommended that you can first compile the .a file by Mac, and then use (the first step of the modification is still needed)

Error message added by protobuf: type already exists

Problem phenomenon: add a message (Booklist) in an existing proto file (recommendresponse. Proto). When compiling the proto file with maven, an error is reported:

E:\workspace\ms-selection-service\ms-selection-api>mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Detecting the operating system and CPU architecture
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] os.detected.name: windows
[INFO] os.detected.arch: x86_64
[INFO] os.detected.version: 10.0
[INFO] os.detected.version.major: 10
[INFO] os.detected.version.minor: 0
[INFO] os.detected.classifier: windows-x86_64
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building ms-selection-api 1.0.18061
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ms-selection-api ---
[INFO] Deleting E:\workspace\ms-selection-service\ms-selection-api\target
[INFO] --- protobuf-maven-plugin:0.5.0:compile (default) @ ms-selection-api ---
[INFO] Compiling 84 proto file(s) to E:\workspace\ms-selection-service\ms-selection-api\target\generated-sources\protobuf\java
[ERROR] PROTOC FAILED: recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:34:16: "BookList.bookName" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:35:16: "BookList.authorName" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:36:16: "BookList.bookCover" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:37:16: "BookList.bookUrl" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:38:16: "BookList.coPercent" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:39:16: "BookList.contentType" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:33:9: "BookList" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto".
recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:13:19: "BookList" seems to be defined in "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto", which is not imported by "recommend/RecommendResponse.proto".  To use it here, please add the necessary import.

See RecommendResponse.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base";

message RecommendResponse {
     string pluginCode=1;
     string status=2;
     string isvisable=3;
     string isShowLine=4; 
     Recommend data=5; 
     string messageDesc=6;
     repeated BookList bookList= 7;


message Recommend{

    repeated RecommendData   buttons=1;
    map<string, string> ctag = 2;
    string isMarginTop=3;
    string isMarginBottom=4;


message RecommendData{

    string name=1;
    string url=2;    

message BookList{
    string bookName=1;
    string authorName=2;
    string bookCover=3;
    string bookUrl=4;
    string coPercent=5;
    string contentType=6;


20877;- 30475;- ContentRecommendResponse.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base";

message  ContentRecommendResponse {
    string pluginCode=1;
    string status=2;
    string isvisable=3;
    string messageDesc=4;

    ContentRecommendData data=5;

message ContentRecommendData{
    string isMarginTop = 1;
    string isMarginBottom = 2;
    string isPaddingTop = 3;
    string isShowLine = 4;
    string dataFrom = 5;
    string title = 6;
    string style = 7;

    repeated BookList bookList=8;
    BiData biData = 9;
message BookList{
    string bookName=1;
    string authorName=2;
    string bookCover=3;
    string bookUrl=4;
    string coPercent=5;
    string contentType=6;

message BiData{
    string msisdn = 1;
    string bid = 2;
    string pageNo = 3;
    string showNum = 4;
    string clientVersion = 5;
    string instanceId = 6;

Problem location: the error message actually tells us that the message booklist already exists in contentrecommendresponse.proto. You can also see that there are messages with the same name in the two PROTOS

Problem solving:

1. If the new booklist is the same as the existing data structure, you only need to import it. Recommendresponse.proto is changed to:

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base";
import "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto";

message RecommendResponse {
     string pluginCode=1;
     string status=2;
     string isvisable=3;
     string isShowLine=4; 
     Recommend data=5; 
     string messageDesc=6;
     repeated BookList bookList= 7;


message Recommend{

    repeated RecommendData   buttons=1;
    map<string, string> ctag = 2;
    string isMarginTop=3;
    string isMarginBottom=4;


message RecommendData{

    string name=1;
    string url=2;    

2. If the booklist data structure is changed, it cannot be reused. Only the class name can be changed. Recommendresponse.proto is changed to:

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base";

message RecommendResponse {
     string pluginCode=1;
     string status=2;
     string isvisable=3;
     string isShowLine=4; 
     Recommend data=5; 
     string messageDesc=6;
     repeated BookListNew bookList= 7;


message Recommend{

    repeated RecommendData   buttons=1;
    map<string, string> ctag = 2;
    string isMarginTop=3;
    string isMarginBottom=4;


message RecommendData{

    string name=1;
    string url=2;    

message BookListNew{
    string bookCover=1;

Although the class name is changed from booklist to booklistnew, the instance name is still booklist, and the final output response field name is still called booklist

In the above two cases, running Maven after modification can successfully compile java files