Tag Archives: USB: usb_device_handle_win.cc:1056 Failed to read descriptor from node connection

USB: usb_device_handle_win.cc:1056 Failed to read descriptor from node connection

The following errors are encountered during the automatic test:
[6452:9780:0415/100836.539: error: device_event_log_impl. CC (214)] [10:08:36.526] USB: USB_ device_ handle_ win.cc:1056 Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)

The problem was triggered by chrome trying to read the properties of the currently suspended USB device. It is said that the next version of chrome will solve this problem. At present, no effective method has been found, so we can only ignore this error report. The implementation method is as follows:

1 options=webdriver.ChromeOptions()
3 # omit...
4 options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ['enable-automation', 'enable-logging'])
5 driver=webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
6 driver.get(r'')

Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65080685/usb-usb-device-handle-win-cc1020-failed-to-read-descriptor-from-node-connectio