Tag Archives: Wechat applet error

Wechat applet error report summary [How to Solve]

Tabbar. List [2]. Selectediconpath file does not exist

Obviously, the file name is wrong. The definition of my acive is missing a T, and there is something wrong with the eyes~

module “static/vant/common/component” is not defined

An error is reported when introducing the like component. ES6 to Es5 has been opened. Finally, it is found that common did not copy the files under dist after cloning

navigateTo:fail parameter error: parameter should be Object instead of String

navigateTo:fail parameter error: parameter should be Object instead of String

Wrong writing



WeChat small program page jumping

navigateTo:fail parameter error: parameter.url should be String instead of Undefined

navigateTo:fail parameter error: parameter.url should be String instead of Undefined


 const jouinurl = './join/main'


Mpve applet page Jump

Page is not constructed because it is not found

Page is not constructed because it is not found

There are different ways to repair the errors. You should check them slowly. I use the mpvue framework, so I directly NPM run build and solve the error. Please ensure that NPM run dev has been closed, otherwise other errors may occur

Error: the size of the code package is 2087 KB and the maximum is 2048 KB. Please delete the file and try again

Error: the size of the code package is 2087 KB and the maximum is 2048 KB. Please delete the file and try again

Transfer the pictures to qiniu cloud. It’s too big, more than 2MB

navigateTo:fail page “pages/index/chat/main” is not found

VM370:1 navigateTo:fail page “pages/index/chat/main” is not found


Error using relative path during jump

enterChat () {
      mpvue.navigateTo({url: './chat/main'})

Change to absolute path

enterChat () {
      mpvue.navigateTo({url: '/pages/chat/main'})

Page is not constructed because it is not found.

VM5717:1 Page is not constructed because it is not found.

The page is missing tags, check the html tags of the page