[Solved] mybatis Bulk Insert Error: Column count doesn‘t match value count at row 1

Mybatis batch insert problem

Incorrect wording:

INSERT INTO t_csm_customer_product(id, customer_code, product_code) values
<foreach collection="lists" close=")" open="(" index="i" item="cstProduct" separator=",">

Error Messages: Error updating database…Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1
Print sql:

INSERT INTO table(id, name, value) values ( ?,?,?,?,?,?) 

The whole bracket is enclosed

The SQL we want:

INSERT INTO table(id, name, value) values ( ?,?,?),(?,?,?)  

Adjust XML to:

INSERT INTO t_csm_customer_product(id, customer_code, product_code) values
<foreach collection="lists" index="i" item="cstProduct" separator=",">

Missing parameter () in key foreach

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