Solution to the problem of “undefined control sequence” when using latex to edit IEEE template [insert picture]

Solution to the problem of “undefined control sequence” when using latex to edit IEEE template [insert picture]

July 24, 2018

Before downloading the IEEE access template editing paper. There is no problem when using winedt to edit the initial template provided by IEEE

But after using the insert picture statement

\begin{figure}[! t]
% Requires \usepackage{graphicx}
\label{fig_ Sim}
appears “! “Undefined control sequence/caption…”

Then Baidu and Google came up with a lot of solutions

The first solution is to remove the comments added in front of some packages in the template, so that these packages can be called. However, after searching for a long time, I found that there were no comments in my template

The second solution is my own thinking, compared with the previous paper template (can be smoothly inserted into the picture) added some head package, but it is useless, also led to additional errors

Later, I carefully analyzed this sentence and found that the essential reason for this problem is that the function or statement is not defined, that is to say,/caption “is not defined (I always thought it was the previous sentence and the sentence of importing pictures was wrong), so I tried to search Baidu for the package in which caption is, and then found that caption is in the package caption, So I added the call to the caption package in the front, that is

\Use package {caption}
, and then insert the picture to run normally

Note: the specific problems encountered by each person are different. When encountering problems, it is recommended to search first. When the methods found on the Internet can not be solved, it is recommended to carefully analyze the tips given by the software<
Author: yangkx-123
source: CSDN
original text: Csdnforobsts/article/details/81189168
copyright notice: This article is the original article of the blogger, please attach the blog link if you want to reprint it

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