Applet – error XXX is not defined (resolved)
Problem situation:
for such a piece of code, the error reported by wechat applet is not defined
I wxml want to call
//wxml code
<view class='ltext'>{{_typeTitle}}</view>
I make mistakes like this
data: {
titleArray: ['01 A trial platform', ‘02 A trial platform’,'03 ...' ],
onLoad: function (options) {
var that = this;
var _typeTitle = titleArray[1];
_typeTitle: _typeTitle,
why is it defined in data, but it can’t be used?
This is one of the common mistakes when novices learn. They can’t call directly by name
correct method
data: {
titleArray: ['01 A trial platform', ‘02 A trial platform’,'03 ...' ],
onLoad: function (options) {
var that = this;
var _typeTitle =[1];
_typeTitle: _typeTitle,
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