Latex common errors summary and Solutions

fwrite: Broken pipe xelatex.exe:

The generated PDF is open

XeTeX is required to compile this document

Xelatex is required to compile this document

! LaTeX Error: Too many unprocessed floats.

Boss: there is a floating problem in some pictures. You can remove the floating environment. Testing. Generally, this kind of problem is caused by the image format

Mr. L: latex can handle up to 18 floating bodies at the same time. If there are too many floating bodies, this error will be reported. The solution is to force the output of all floats with the clear page command

File ended while scanning use of \@xdblarg.

Error code: section {Title}

because \section is a composite command, its inner definition calls @xdblarg, which is responsible for checking the completeness of the parameters. It is mostly because of the reason for the loss of} (or more {). Section {Title} curly brackets should be used for English input method

! file ended while scanning use of \@writefile

It indicates that an incomplete parameter appears in a command that writes. Aux. You must check it

Fatal format file error; I'm stymied.

This means that the format you want to preload cannot be used because it is made for another version of tex

The error of “returned exit code (1)” caused by the error of driver option

Latex - dvips: by default, you can give the driver option dvips or not

Latex - dvipdfmx: unable to detect automatically, you must give the driver option dvipdfm or dvipdfmx manually (refer to the corresponding macro package document for details)

Pdfflatex: it can be detected automatically, so you can not give the driver option, you can also give the driver option pdftex

Xelatex: it can be detected automatically, so you can not give the driver option, you can also give the driver option xetex


! File ended while scanning use of\xxxxxx

Warning you that there is an error (usually an "incomplete" error) in the XXXXXX command

Package minted Error: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag. \usepackage

% ! TeX TXS- program:compile = txs:///pdflatex/[--shell-escape]

Missing number, treated as zero. \end{tabu}

a & c
& b \\


		a & c

	\usebox{\grumble} & b \\

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