Module not found error: wrong solution of no module named ‘windows’ and no module named’ win32API ‘

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This is pymouse’s pot

The solution is to find the installation path of pymouse. If you don’t know where to install it with PIP, you will be automatically prompted for the installation path if it has already been installed. It is usually in the Lib/site packages of Python or IDE, for example, mine is in F:// anacondea/lib/site packages

Open the installation path of pymouse__ init__. Py file; Change line 92 of windows to pymouse. Windows

After this change, you should be prompted another and error

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyHook’

Now you need to install pyhook. It is recommended to download WHL file for installation Download here

Put the downloaded files in the scripts folder. For example, my file is f:// anacondea/scripts. And then

pip installpyHook‑1.5.1‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_ amd64.whl

If there is no accident, it can be installed successfully. Of course, the premise is to select the corresponding 64/32-bit version

After installation, if you import pymouse and pykeyboard still report an error, it is normal

You need PIP installpyuserinput

Because pyuserinput needs to install pywin32 and pyhook modules

Pywin32 is installed by default. If not, you can PIP install what you need again

If no module named ‘win32API’ reports an error:

Open the terminal (Windows + R)
PIP install pypiwin32

original link: 34696203/article/details/83029114, 41810188/article/details/90641547

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