Detailed error:
Failed running C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\\com.unity.burst@ 0.2 . 4 -preview. 7 \.Runtime\bcl.exe @C: \Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpc1ec4b3.tmp stdout: stderr: δ 쳣: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: δ 伯 ļ used Unity.Cecil, Version = 0.10 . 0.0 , Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken= fc15b93552389f74 ijһ ϵͳ Ҳ ָ ļ Burst.Bcl.Program.Main(String[] args)
The error message is packages\\com.unity.burst@ 0.2. 4-preview. 7 This package failed to run.
Open Unity and click Window → Packager Manager
Click ALL to install the Burst package
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