Generate excel, run the test locally and get the error Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found.
In the window system:
In the php.ini file, remove the semicolon “;” in front of extension=php_zip.dll, change zlib.output_compression = Off to zlib.output_compression = On, and restart apache
2. Under linux system:
To recompile php_zip.dll
1 cd /usr/src 2 wget 3 tar -zxvf zip 4 cd zip-1.x.x 5 phpize 6 . /configure 7 make 8 sudo make instal
After installation, record the location of on the screen, e.g. /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/
In php.ini, add extension = /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/, then change zlib.output_compression = Off to zlib.output_compression = On
Finally restart apache: service httpd restart