1. Attempt to modify permissions:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/db/lockdown/
2. Try the most online solutions:
brew uninstall ideviceinstaller -g
brew uninstall libimobiledevice -g
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice -g
brew install ideviceinstaller -g
Report an error directly…. Failure
3. Try another solution, one of which successfully solved my problem:
Method 1:
brew install --HEAD ios-webkit-debug-proxy -g
brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy -g
still fail...
Method 2: brew uninstall -f libimobiledevice ideviceinstaller usbmuxd if the command is rejected, you can follow the prompt and update the command to.
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libimobiledevice ideviceinstaller usbmuxd
👌 This time the command was successful
👌 Then it continues.
brew install -v --HEAD --fetch --build-from-source usbmuxd libimobiledevice ideviceinstaller
ideivesinstaller -l