Tag Archives: exception

Feign exception missing. When an exception occurs in springboot 2.3. X, the message and exception in response are empty

Reason: because boot2.3. X may consider information security issues, the following two values are defaulted to

    include-message: never
    include-exception: false

The exception is returned

  "timestamp": 1632713940269,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "",
  "path": "/xxxx"

After modification

    include-message: always
    include-exception: true

The exception is returned

  "timestamp": 1632713940269,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "exception": "com.xxxx.xxxxException",
  "message": "Illegal access",
  "path": "/xxxxx"

register app failed for wechat app signature check failed

The old project in the past can’t run today. Wechat payment reported this error. I went to wechat development platform to check it:
the modification is as follows:

exception: register app failed for wechat app signature check failed

At the time of payment:

IWXAPI wxapi = WXAPIFactory.createWXAPI (this,WXAPPID,true);
replace with

IWXAPI wxapi = WXAPIFactory.createWXAPI (mContext,null);