Tag Archives: “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aopalliance/intercept/MethodInterceptor”

“Java. Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: org / aopalliance / intercept / methodinterceptor” problem encountered in using spring

JavaScript implementation: how to write beautiful conditional expression>>>

when using spring to declare transaction management, add definition annotation transaction & lt; tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager=”transactionManager”/> Java. Lang. noclassdeffoundation appears after rror:org/aopalliance/intercept/MethodInterceptor That’s the amount of money

1. There is no jar package of aopalliance in the project, so downloading a corresponding jar to join the project can solve the problem
2. The jar package aopalliance is usually used by other frameworks with dynamic weaving function, such as spring. This package is the API package of AOP alliance, which contains the interface for aspect oriented