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The problem is that there is no problem testing locally
1. View topice
./bin/ -list -zookeeper localhost:2181
No problem
./bin/ –broker-list localhost:9092 –topic liuda
./bin/ –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic liuda –from-beginning
there is no problem in these steps
But when testing with java code, it always reports an error: the link is not available Connection timed out: no further information
1. The firewall is off, no problem
2. In the configuration file server. Properties
# listeners=PLAINTEXT://
What we need to pay attention to here is
Both are disabled
Still not
Baidu checked the original when using the producer and consumer client of Kafka, it can’t use localhost, but must specify the local domain name clearly
In, add the following configuration:
Host. Name = # local IP address
So that the project can be happily connected