When processing windows format text, use \r\n as the newline character, if the data involved in the operation is at the end of the line
syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is “
awk -v RS= ' \r\n ' ...
awk ' { sub("\r$", ""); ...}
awk ' {sub(/\r/,"",$NF); ...} '
awk ' BEGIN { RS=ORS="\r\n"; ...
foo=$ ' 5\r ' ; echo $(( 5 + foo)) " )syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
foo=$ ' 5\r ' ; echo $(( 5 +${foo // $'\r'}))
foo=$ ' 5\r ' ; echo $(( 5 +$( tr -d ' \r ' <<< " $foo " )))
or remove \r
foo=$ ' 5\r ' ; foo=${foo // $'\r'}