The startup parameters of a web project’s JVM are set as follows
-Xms1024m – xmx1024m – xmn512m (normal startup)
– xms1024m – xmx1024m – xmn1024m
error: unable to start
error occurred during initialization of VM
too small initial heap for new size specified
Although we did not understand the specific reasons for the problem
However, the following conclusions can be obtained through experiments
1. The error message is misleading, not necessarily because the heap memory size is not set enough
2. XMS can be set the same as – Xmx, but it’s better not to set all three the same
Reason: wrong understanding of XMN (XMN cannot be greater than or equal to Xmx)
Link: JVM tuning Summary – XMS – Xmx – XMN – XSS