Tag Archives: unable to access android sdk add-on list

[Mac] How to Solve Android Studio error: Unable to access Android SDK add-on list



Click Cancel directly to download the SDK automatically, which can solve the current problem and also solve the problem of SDK tools directory is missing


The problem of SDK tools directory is missing is similar to the following situation:





How to Solve Android Startup Error: unable to access android sdk add-on list

Solution of unable to access Android SDK add on list




Update Android studio version 4.2 and report the following error after startup


After the as starts, it will check whether the Android SDK in the default path exists. If not, it will report the above error


1. Configure proxy

Select Manual proxy configuration

to set host name as mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn and port number as 80

to set host name as mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn

2. Skip detection

In the installation directory of Android studio, find the

Add disable. Android. First. Run = true at the end of the line to indicate that the SDK is not detected at the initial startup

Setting Android stuido mode after skipping

Download SDK


Two programs, pro test, are no problem