Error reported when Foxmail software adds QQ email

#Error reporting:

-ERR Please using authorized code to login. More information at http://servi

Please log in with the authorization code. More information about



#According to the error report: enter the QQ email help center:

#Found ;& amp; id=28&& amp; no=1001256



Log in to QQ email

=Account setting


POP3/imap/SMTP/exchange/carddav/caldav services

Open service:

POP3/SMTP service  (

How to use Foxmail and other software to send and receive e-mail?)

Turned on  |   close

IMAP/SMTP service  (

What is IMAP and how is it set?)

Closed  |   Open

Exchange services  (

What is exchange and how is it set up?)

Closed  |   Open

Carddav/caldav services  (

What is carddav/caldav and how is it set?)

Closed  |   Open

(POP3/imap/SMTP/carddav/caldav services all support SSL connection.

How to set?)

Warm tip: when logging into the third-party client, please enter the “authorization code” in the password box for verification. Generate authorization code


#Open POP3 service:

#Send SMS: after receiving the authorization code, log in to Foxmail with the authorization code instead of the QQ email password. OK






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