Category Archives: Error

Jenkins management interface Error: incorrect reverse proxy settings [How to Solve]

Enter jekins and click Manage jekins. In the interface, “reverse click, wrong setting” will appear, as shown in the following figure: although it will not affect normal use temporarily, I want to find a solution

The first reason is that the Jenkins URL address in the configure system is inconsistent with the accessed address; Second, port number conflict

Method 1: modify the port by using the CMD command “Java – jar jenkins.war”  — httpPort=8089”

Method 2: modify the Jenkins URL address setting in the configure system

Solve the problem that the highlighted content exceeds the visual area when the introjs scroll bar appears


When the screen is small enough for the table scroll bar to appear,   The width of thead is 1200px, but the width of the visual area is only 500px,

Solution: set the width of thead to the width of the outermost layer of table, i.e

width: calc(100% – 508px);

However, there is a problem here. When the page width continues to decrease, the highlighted area becomes smaller and smaller, so that some that should display 600px width only display 100% – 508px of the screen,

Solution to the second problem:

Add a new class of highlightclass to the problematic step, with the style of width: Calc (100% – 508px); And remove the public style


Detour: I’ve been trying to solve the problem of the real width of thead, and I didn’t read the document carefully. I found that a separate attribute can be set


Other ideas:

1. Modify requirements: the highlighted part is changed to the first two th, and it will not be covered completely

2. Modifying the highlight range is not feasible, because the principle of introjs is to add a class to the area to be highlighted, with the content of Z-index: 9999999! Then highlight it in the middle of the white background. If you add it yourself, it will also display what is outside the visible area, but highlight it in the black mask layer

[Solved] Anaconda navigator is stuck on the loading applications page when it is started.

anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\anaconda_ navigator\api\ line 1364 change data = yaml.load (f) to data = yaml.safeload (f) (completely solve the problem, although I don’t know the reason). After changing the code, remember to restart the computer. If it is still stuck on the loading page after restarting, you can close the network and try again. Pro test is effective.

ES6 module Script type=”module” Error [How to Solve]

Any modularization must have import dependency and export interface;

The two main attributes of modularity in ES6 are export and import

Export: interface for exporting modules

Import: the function of importing other modules


export function test(){
  let name = 'cmwang'
  return name


<script type="module" >
    import { test } from './1.js';
    console.log('test', test());

Both files are directly created locally and run with vscode. Two problems are encountered in this process:

1.When type=”module” is not added to the script, the console output is abnormal:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

2.After adding type=”module”, the console outputs other exceptions:

The reason is that the file protocol does not support cross domain in Google browser, and protocols such as HTTP must be used. The reason is because of the browser security policy


1) Download and install live server. In the running file, right-click and select open

2) Just change your browser

[Solved] Cannot Open “gl/glut.h” File Error: No such file or directory


Lack of header files and libraries for compiling OpenGL;


1. Download OpenGL header files and libraries;

2. Put the file in the specified directory;

(1) Copy glaux.dll, glut32.dll and glut.dll to the C:/Windows/system32 directory. There should be opengl32.dll and glu32.dll in the system32 directory
(if the computer is a 64 bit operating system, copy it to the syswow64 folder in C:\windows, otherwise the prompt of “the computer loses the glut32.dll file” will appear during operation)
(2) copy GL. H, glaux. H, Glu. H and glut. H to the folder D:\software\vs2015\VC\include (Note: the directory where each person installs vs is different, and you can adjust it according to your own situation)
(3) copy glaux.lib, glu32.lib, glut32.lib, opengl32.lib and glut.lib to D:\software\vs2015\VC\lib folder

compile again. If there is still an error, change the original name #include <GL/glut.H > of the header file to #include <glut.H>.

IDEA Always Stuck: scanning files to index [Four Methods to Solve]

Problem Description:

Long/repetitive scanning files to index

Scanning files to index: scan files to index

Method 1: File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart

Method 2: delete the C:\users\XXX.Intellijidea2018.2\system folder

Method 3: exclude the scanned folder from the scope of indexing, that is, mark the XXX folder as excluded.

Method 4: change the edit configurations and idea configuration path

1. After scanning for a long time, click Edit configurations and change update classes and resources to do nothing.

2. You will find that the scanning time is very short, but the scanning will be repeated all the time

3. Change the idea configuration path or directly note out three lines of comments to achieve the purpose of refreshing


idea.config.path=D:\Java\idea\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.4\01edit\config
idea.system.path=D:\Java\idea\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.4\01edit\system
idea.plugins.path=D:\Java\idea\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.4\01edit\plugins
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# idea.config.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/config
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# idea.system.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/system
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# idea.plugins.path=${idea.config.path}/plugins


Restart the idea, reinstall the idea, shut down and restart, and kill the idea process

The problem of reloading the code is the same, so it must be a configuration problem

Deleting the configuration file is not easy. It may be necessary to refresh and load the configuration file

Without restarting (restarting is not necessarily easy to use), changing the idea configuration path can have the effect of refreshing, or try to release and delete the configuration file, or directly overwrite the configuration file that is easy to use by colleagues

After the change, close the idea, kill the process and restart the task manager

After the update is found, the scanning and indexing will not be repeated

Method v. too many project documents

If there are too many project files, it will be very slow to create an index, so you can exclude directories with a large number of files from the scope of creating an index. Borrow a picture.


[Solved] Mac install maven Error: zsh: command not found: MVN

After installing the java development environment in Apple Mac system, you want to execute Maven related commands on the command line

The problem Zsh: command not found: MVN is found. The first reaction is that the environment variable is not configured.

Configure environment variables

vim ~/.bash_ profile

export PATH=$PATH:~/maven/bin

source .bash_ profile

Verify that the configuration is in effect

mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.8.3 (ff8e977a158738155dc465c6a97ffaf31982d739)
Maven home: /Users/codeboyzhou/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_312, vendor: Temurin, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-8.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.16", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

You can see that it is indeed effective in the command line, and then when you open the terminal in IDEA and continue to execute other Maven commands, the problem is reported again zsh: command not found: mvn, what’s the matter?

Guess is because the new version of Mac system uses the default zsh, and .bash_profileis the Linux system bashenvironment variables configuration, try to modify the configuration file mv .bash_profile .zshrc, and perform once again source .zshrcmake the configuration take effect, the problem is solved. Restart IDEA and the corresponding terminal window to confirm that the problem has indeed been resolved.

Other online article that is zshnot automatically loaded when you start .bash_profilecaused, can be .zshrcadded to the last line of the file source .bash_profileit automatically take effect each time the terminal starts, this method is feasible. But because my system itself does not have .zshrcthis document, other configuration information does not exist, so I use the above method directly with the environment variable to .zshrcthe next file is able to quickly solve the problem, compared to operating steps and also more concise, Which method to use can be determined according to personal preference or specific circumstances.

How to Solve VS Code Install Go Plug-in Error

Environmental description


Go 1.17.3

VS Code 1.62.2

Problem phenomenon

When developing the Go program with vscode, you will be prompted that the go plug-in is not installed, and click Install all

A bunch of installation failures will be reported


Error: Command failed: D:\Go\bin\go.exe get -u -v (download)


https fetch failed: Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


use agent

Set the go environment variable in the CMD window

go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

Close, reopen vscode, and click Install all to complete the installation

Prism: the callback function will not be triggered when the dialog box (service is opened)


Create a new class dialogserviceextend, and then register it in the

    public class DialogServiceExtend : DialogService
        public DialogServiceExtend(IContainerExtension containerExtension) : base(containerExtension)

        protected override void ConfigureDialogWindowEvents(IDialogWindow dialogWindow, Action<IDialogResult> callback)
            Action<IDialogResult> requestCloseHandler = null;
            requestCloseHandler = (o) =>
                dialogWindow.Result = o;

            RoutedEventHandler loadedHandler = null;
            loadedHandler = (o, e) =>
                dialogWindow.Loaded -= loadedHandler;
                GetDialogViewModel(dialogWindow).RequestClose += requestCloseHandler;
            dialogWindow.Loaded += loadedHandler;

            CancelEventHandler closingHandler = null;
            closingHandler = (o, e) =>
                if (!GetDialogViewModel(dialogWindow).CanCloseDialog())
                    e.Cancel = true;
            dialogWindow.Closing += closingHandler;

            EventHandler closedHandler = null;
            closedHandler = (o, e) =>
                dialogWindow.Closed -= closedHandler;
                dialogWindow.Closing -= closingHandler;
                GetDialogViewModel(dialogWindow).RequestClose -= requestCloseHandler;


                if (dialogWindow.Result == null)
                    dialogWindow.Result = new DialogResult();


                dialogWindow.DataContext = null;
                dialogWindow.Content = null;
            dialogWindow.Closed += closedHandler;

        private IDialogAware GetDialogViewModel(IDialogWindow dialogWindow)
            return (IDialogAware)dialogWindow.DataContext;


    protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
        containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IDialogService, DialogServiceExtend>();

Then you can find that the callback can take effect