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In the process of operating gitlab to push and pull the daily code, I suddenly encountered an exception as described in the title. This blog records the solution to this problem
Scene reappearance
Code push operation on gitlab private warehouse generates the following exception information:
Counting objects: 875, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (523/523), done.
Writing objects: 100% (875/875), 42.94 MiB | 9.72 MiB/s, done.
Total 875 (delta 206), reused 2 (delta 0)
error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 500
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Gitlab’s official feedback on this issue:
After checking the official issue, we can find that the official solutions to this problem are basically the following two solutions:
change CentOS operating system to Ubuntu
change nginx engine to Tomcat
Both schemes are expensive and unacceptable
Causes of problems
Because gitlab itself encapsulates tools such as nginx and redis, and the configuration of these tools is also solved. Therefore, in the process of pushing code, if the volume of one-time commit is too large and exceeds the limit value of Max package, the above exception may occur
It’s definitely not nginx or the operating system itself
But changing gitlab configuration is a very troublesome thing, so here’s another way of thinking: we don’t rely on HTTP protocol to upload, we can bypass this problem by Using SSH protocol instead
New solutions
New solution: change the submission method to SSH
Specific operation steps:
submit the public key to gitlab’s account
for the generation and submission of SSH key, please refer to my blog: GitHub – SSH login without password
change project remote address
use the command git remote – V
under the project path. If the code is uploaded in the form of HTTP/HTTPS, the address format is similar to: gitlab http:// ${your domain name}/liumapp/${your project name}. Git (fetch)
what we need to do is change it to upload in the form of SSH, To change the address to something like: gitlab [email protected] : liumapp/${your project name}. Git
operation command git remote set URL gitlab git @ ${your domain name}: liumapp/${your project name}. Git
by the way, please replace the above liumapp with your own gitlab account name
Using SSH to push code, GIT to push, problem solving
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