(1) Close the specific iframe
//When closing itself in the iframe page, the following js script is executed in the iframe page
var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(window.name); //get the index of the current iframe layer first
parent.layer.close(index); //then execute close
(2) The parent page passes a reference to the iframe pop-up layer
var collectionId = parent.$(“#hideCollectionId”).val();//you can define the hidden field in the parent page, the id is hideCollectionId, you need to refer to jquery
(3) close all pop-up layers
If there is no complex logic such as pop-up layer stacking, you can close all pop-up layers as needed
layer.closeAll(); //mad mode, close all layers
layer.closeAll(‘dialog’); //close the message box
layer.closeAll(‘page’); //close all page layers
layer.closeAll(‘iframe’); //close all iframe layers
layer.closeAll(‘loading’); //close the loading layer
layer.closeAll(‘tips’); //close all tips layers
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