[Solved] Could not find resource com/cth/dao/UserImpl.xml & Single mapping file not found

report errors:

### The error may exist in com/cth/dao/UserImpl.xml
### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error parsing SQL Mapper Configuration. Cause: java.io.IOException: Could not find resource com/cth/dao/UserImpl.xml
	at org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.wrapException(ExceptionFactory.java:30)
	at org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder.build(SqlSessionFactoryBuilder.java:80)
	at org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder.build(SqlSessionFactoryBuilder.java:64)
	at com.cth.domain.User.main(User.java:17)


Because the userimpl.XML file under COM/CTH/Dao/ has not been compiled into the corresponding directory under the target/classes directory, I don’t believe you can find it under the target/classes directory in the project. You can’t find it


Method 1: put the files in COM/CTH/Dao directory under resource

Method 2: add the following code to the POM file


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