[Solved] Kibana 7.14.0 error: server.publicBaseUrl is missing and should be configured when running in a production environment.

kibana 7.14.0 error solution
Report an error

Report an error server.publicBaseUrl is missing and should be configured when running in a production environment. Some features may not behave correctly. See the documentation.

Modify server.publicBaseUrl: in kibana.yml as below:

The configuration is as follows.

server.publicBaseUrl: ""  # Here the address is changed to the address you use to access kibana, not ending in /
server.name: kibana
server.host: "0"
elasticsearch.hosts: [ "" ]  # change to your elasticsearch url
xpack.monitoring.ui.container.elasticsearch.enabled: true  
#i18n.locale: zh-CN 
kibana.index: ".kibana" 

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