Eclipse appears "The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library" error The solution is as follows: 1. Open the configuration file eclipse in the eclipse directory. ini. 2. Change the paths under --launcher.library and -startup to the current correct path. If the storage path of my eclipse is changed from D:\Program Files\ to D:\, just remove the "Program Files\" before eclipse in the path. If you want to display the working path dialog box when eclipse is opened, there are two solutions: Method one, close Eclipse and open the eclipse installation directory, open the following directories in turn, there is a file org.eclipse under the configuration\.settings folder. ui.ide.prefs, open with Notepad and change the following red characters to true: SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true Method two, the setting method is as follows: open Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown in turn. Then check the Confirm exit when closing last window check box. Or click the Restore Defaults button. ************************************************** ************************************************** ******* The following is more like your question: Taken from kiwi's garden's blog The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar To resolve this issue perform the following steps: Go to the installation location (for example, C:/Program Files/IBM/TeamConcert) Copy the eclipse.ini file to a backup file (such as eclipse.ini.bak). Edit the eclipse.ini file and remove these two lines: -startup plugins/ org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.100.v20080509-1800.jar Start the Rational Team Concert client again. Probably means to find eclipse.ini in the installation directory and remove the following two lines: -startup plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.100.v20080509-1800.jar
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