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After Jenkins installation, the plug-in installation failed. Error suncertpathbuilderexception

Jenkins plug-in cannot be downloaded

SSL problem of Java
manually install a skip certificate check plug-in through the address https://updates.jenkins.io/download/plugins/skip-certificate-check/1.0/skip-certificate-check.hpi Download

Then manually install the plug-in through Jenkins and restart. Then you can update it.

Warning c4819: this file contains characters that cannot be represented in the current code page (936). Please save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss

Warning c4819: this file contains characters that cannot be represented in the current code page (936). Please save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss
In Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Advance 的 Disable Specific Warnings Add the corresponding warning number: 4819

The interface method is not rewritten, and the idea does not report an error.

Today, I was a little confused when I was writing interceptors in idea. I inherited handlerinterceptor without any errors. I always thought he would remind me to rewrite methods. As shown below

By checking the data, well, finally find the reason. First, go to the source code of the handlerinterceptor interface

public interface HandlerInterceptor {

	default boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler)
			throws Exception {
		return true;

	default void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler,
			@Nullable ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception {
	default void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler,
			@Nullable Exception ex) throws Exception {

Knock on the blackboard. Here’s the point

The above is the source code of the handlerinterceptor interface. You can see that in the higher version of spring webmvc jar package, the handlerinterceptor interface defines the default method, which is a new feature of JDK1.8. In other words, you can rewrite the methods in the interface without any error

So it doesn’t remind you to rewrite. You have to write it yourself

Idea Maven install is stuck. Check if there is no error report.

            Today, use idea to package, execute install, and check the console log. The card owner (meaning that the log will not continue to be printed on the console, and the card owner will not see the error). There is no error reported, and then check it

      Enter the DOS command, enter the root directory of the project, and use   Run MVN   Install command, the result is the same as using install in idea, and then run   mvn   Command, error

Error content:  

ERROR: No goals have been specified for this build. You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal
in the format < plugin-prefix>:& lt; goal> or < plugin-group-id>:& lt; plugin-artifact-id

  The error content is very long, so many are intercepted. The solution is  

Pom.xml file & lt; build> Label the root directory with & lt; defaultGoal> compile</ defaultGoal> that will do   

  Solution link: https://www.cnblogs.com/sanduweiliangxtx/p/9936340.html , after solving, run MVN   The install command is used for packaging, and the card is still the owner

Use the MVN install – dmaven. Test. Skip = true command to package. The meaning of the command: ignore the test content, that is, ignore the test content   Check the contents in the folder below the picture step by step

  Then delete the code that affects packaging under the test folder and use it in idea again   Install to package. The package is successful and a screenshot is posted


  Summary: because the console prints an error log when using idea packaging, that is, there is no error in the code, go to the project root directory and directly execute the command for troubleshooting. Finally, it is done

The component with CLSID {000209ff-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} in the com class factory failed due to the following error: 80070005 access denied. The latest solutions

Failed to retrieve component with CLSID {000209ff-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} in com class factory due to the following error: 80070005 access denied( Exception from HResult: 0x80070005 (E)_ ACCESSDENIED))。

The solutions to this problem on the Internet are as follows:

1. Click Win + R and enter comexp.msc – 32 (if the word of the button is 64 bit, enter dcomcnfg)

2. Find the DCOM configuration of “component service –” computer “–” my computer “–“

3. Find the right-click property of “Microsoft Word 97-2003 document”

4. Select “interactive user” in the “identity” column

5. In the “security” column, you can see the “startup and activation” group, select “custom”, click “Edit” button, add network service and current user, and give “local startup” and “local activation” permissions

6. “Access rights” and “configuration rights” are the same as above

7. In & lt; system.web>& lt;/ system.web> Add & lt; Identityimpersonate = “true” user name = “current user name” password = “XXXXXX”/& gt


Causes of errors

Due to the previous installation of office 2016 professional enhanced version expired, reported the “user name and password error exception”, so on the Internet to find the key to crack, very difficult to crack, the result is this problem

Failed to retrieve component with CLSID {000209ff-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} in com class factory due to the following error: 80070005 access denied( Exception from HResult: 0x80070005 (E)_ ACCESSDENIED))。

On the Internet to find the above method, but it is not useful! I couldn’t find the solution. I also tried to modify the registry (found CLSID: 00020906-0000-0000-c000-000000000046word 97 document), which was different from the error 000209ff-0000-0000-c000-000000000046. I wanted to modify it and got tangled. Later, I read a forum and saw the following solution by accident; So the eyes into the server IIS body

Just modify the application pool of IIS, select your project, click Advanced settings, and change the ID to: localsystem or networkserver

Original text: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_ 18979049/article/details/79410331

[no0000117] visual studio debug webform display HTTP error 403.14 – Forbidden web server is configured not to list the contents of this directory.

Don’t panic in case of data tilt, teach you to easily obtain the slope of table tilt>>>

The debugging interface is as follows:

Solution 1: right click to set the start page

Impact documents:

Solution 2: add default page configuration in web.config

          <add value="WebForm1.aspx" />

If there is no default page, you can set the permission to open the directory

    <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />

Of course, you can set the above configuration at the same time:

          <add value="WebForm1.aspx" />
    <directoryBrowse enabled="false" />

Typeerror: error # 1009: the property or method referenced by an empty object cannot be accessed.

In the flash AS3.0 programming practice, we often find the following error on the output panel when compiling:

Typeerror: error # 1009: the property or method referenced by an empty object cannot be accessed

Here is a blog post from CSDN:

AS3 can’t access the properties or methods of empty object reference. AS3 Flash CS4’s built-in compiler is too general. It only reports errors without exposing error lines. The most depressing thing is that “can’t access the properties or methods of empty object reference” only points out error files without reporting error lines.

The cause of this error is access, setting the properties of the empty object or calling the methods of the empty object.

The first point may be:

For example, var obj:Object;


When this line of error code is called by fla in as file, an error will be reported.

The second point may be:

The most extensive is the stage object. If a compiled SWF file is imported into fla as a component, when the SWF has the code of the stage object,

will import the stage as its stage, but it can not be acquired, so it will cause stage=null called in SWF, and the compiler will report “unable to access the attribute or method of empty object reference”.

For example, stage. Displaystate = stagedisplaystate. Full_ SCREEN

Will cause compilation errors. This error also occurs in the as document class. If a is the document class of a fla and another B class is instantiated in a, an error will be reported if there is a stage object or other empty object in B class. Please check it carefully.

Solution: add the object name. Addeventlistener (event. Added)_ TO_ Stage, the name of the processing function), and then write the stage related operations in the processing function. Note that it can only be written in this function or the function called by this function. Also import flash.events.event

The third point may be:

When loading a large file, if you do not listen for the complete event, you hasten to assign various parameters to the loader of the file. If you do not load it completely, you will not be able to find the object.

Solution: loader. Addeventlistener (event. Complete, setting) setting is the function executed after loading

And remember import flash. Events. Event

The fourth point: there is no addchild in the container

A file T1. As



import flash.display.Sprite

public class t1 extends Sprite


function t1()


var circle = new Sprite();

circle.graphics.beginFill(0x000000, 1)

circle.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 15);







Another file t0. As


package {

import flash.display.Sprite;

public class t0 extends Sprite {

function t0() {

var obj=new t1();

//addchild (obj)// missing addchild





Create a new fla, set the document class to T1, find that you can draw a black circle, but if you set the document class to T0, it will report that you cannot access the empty object.

Because each as file can be regarded as an independent display object container, the addchild in the. As file object actually adds various display objects to this container.

Only as files set as document classes by fla will be added to stage. The others are containers filled with display objects. When we need to display them on the stage, we must first instantiate them in the document class as file code, and then addchild();

Here, through watching a tutorial on the Internet, I try to make a flash that simulates the touch screen of a mobile phone to drag and unlock

The final effect picture is as follows:




stage UI:

the stage timeline structure is as follows:

First layer: gray background and mobile phone

The second layer: the first frame contains

The second frame stores a clip animation with logo from top to bottom and alpha from 0 to 1

Layer 3: ActionScript

import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.display.MovieClip;

stop();// Stop at the first frame
var startx: number = dragmc. X// Store the X coordinate of dragmc on stage in a variable
var starty: number = dragmc. Y// Store the X coordinate of dragmc on stage in a variable
var Myr ect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(startX,startY,slideMc.width – dragMc.width,0); // Drag limit rectangle of dragmc
var RT: MovieClip = root as MovieClip
dragMc.buttonMode = true;
dragMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ DOWN,ondown);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ UP,onup);// Add mouse release listening to stage instead of dragmc. Readers can try to add situations to dragmc

dragMc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_ FRAME,onframe);
function onup (E: mouseevent): void
if (this. Currentframe = = this. Totalframes)// check whether the stage frame is in the second frame
dragMc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_ FRAME,onframe);

At the beginning of the function, I wrote it like this

dragMc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_ FRAME,onframe);

there is no if — else statement. Why does it report the error of null object?According to this example, it is possible to release the mouse in the second frame. If there is no object dragmc on the stage in the second frame, write dragmc. Removeeventlistener (event. Enter) directly_ FRAME,onframe); If you do, you will report the above error**********************/

if (dragMc.x >= slideMc.x + slideMc.width/2 – dragMc.width * 2/3)
dragMc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_ FRAME,onframe);

When I started to write code, I wrote gotoandstop (2) in the statement dragmc. Removeeventlistener (event. Enter)_ FRAME,onframe);
in front of, an empty object error is reported. That’s the problem. If the stage frame is stopped in the second frame first, and then the dragmc delete listen is executed, this error will occur. The reason is that there is no dragmc object in the second frame********************/