Tag Archives: Connection to `ssl://pecl.php.net:443′ failed: mac

Mac Error: Connection to `ssl://pecl.php.net:443′ failed [How to Solve]


After many tests, I found that even if I change the certificate according to the following practices, there will be “operation timed out” occasionally. Just try a few more times


sudo pecl search mbstring

Connection to ` ssl://pecl.php.net:443 ‘ failed: Operation timed out

Solution steps

php -r “print_ r(openssl_ get_ cert_ locations());”

You will get similar results. Find default_ cert_ Path to file



[default_cert_file] => /usr/local/php5/ssl/cert.pem

[default_cert_file_env] => SSL_CERT_FILE

[default_cert_dir] => /usr/local/php5/ssl/certs

[default_cert_dir_env] => SSL_CERT_DIR

[default_private_dir] => /usr/local/php5/ssl/private

[default_default_cert_area] => /usr/local/php5/ssl

[ini_cafile] => /usr/local/php5/ssl/cert.pem

[ini_capath] => 


Remember that the path of the certificate to be replaced is/usr/local/PHP5/SSL/cert.pem

wget http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem (if Wget cannot be downloaded, please use the browser to download)

sudo mv cacert.pem /usr/local/php5/ssl/cert.pem

sudo pecl search mbstring

No releases available for package “pecl.php.net/mbstring”

After completion, there is no error prompt. It shows that you can connect. Unfortunately, you can’t find the mbstring extension
