Tag Archives: Echarts Map Examples

How to Copy Echarts Map Examples to Local vueCLI Project (Commissioning Operation)

(4) Copy the Echarts map case to the local vueCLI project to debug and run


Note: ① Use $.get to get related local variables, you need to use self instead of this. And you need to download and import JQuery dependencies.


② Baidu map download and ak introduction.



//under main.js file


1. import BaiduMap from ‘vue-baidu-map’

2. Vue.use(BaiduMap, {

ak:’your ak’



3. import * as echarts from “echarts” // The introduction method of echarts5.

4. Vue.prototype.$echarts = echorts




//Specific case under .vue file


1. import ‘echarts/extension/bmap/bmap’ //Introduce Baidu Map

2. import { loadBMap } from ‘../map.js’ //Import map.js file

3. var $ = require(‘jquery’); //jquery import



//Create a new map.js file in the same folder as the main.js file.


export function loadBMap(ak) {

return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

if (typeof BMap !== ‘undefined’) {


return true


window.onBMapCallback = function() {



let script = document.createElement(‘script’)

script.type = ‘text/javascript’

script.src =

‘http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=’+ ak +’&__ec_v__=20190126&callback=onBMapCallback’

script.onerror = reject
