Tag Archives: [Err] 1273 – Unknown collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

[Err] 1273 – Unknown collation:’utf8mb4’u 0900’u ci’

Recently, I was working on a small project. When the data table file written by the team member was imported to my local, I reported [err] 1273 – unknown collection: ‘utf8mb4_ 0900_ ai_ Ci ‘error

 [Err] 1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'

I know it’s the problem of character set encoding, but I changed the encoding of the database to utf8mb4, and then I imported it again. There was no utf8mb4 option when I imported the file

Baidu later found the solution


All files in the file will be saved

utf8mb4_ 0900_ ai_ Ci is replaced by utf8_ general_ ci

utf8mb4 is replaced by utf8

Save and run again