Tag Archives: -ERR Unable to log on

Foxmail configuration Netease enterprise mailbox – err unable to log on solution

Originally, the company used its own mailbox system, which can be configured automatically when Foxmail is configured. This time, the company used Netease enterprise mailbox, which always reported – err unable to log on error when configuring its own computer. After searching a lot on the Internet, no good solution was found, When you create an account, Foxmail will automatically identify pop.qiye.163.com. However, this is a wrong address. When you log in to Netease’s website, you will find that the above address is http://mail.ym.163.com/ Then, pop.qiye.163.com was changed to pop.ym.163.com, and it was created instantly…. Maybe the service address of Netease has been changed and Tencent has not linked to it?Anyway, the problem has been solved ~ ~ this paper uses the latest Foxmail 7.2

Update: add Netease help link address http://app.ym.163.com/ym/help/help.html

Configuration parameters are introduced in

Q16: how to set up the client of Netease free enterprise mail

A16: Netease free enterprise mail supports POP3/SMTP service, users can send and receive e-mail through Foxmail, outlook and other computer client software, server address:
POP3: pop.ym.163.com default port: 110
SMTP: smtp.ym.163.com default port: 25

Author: 1990tom
source: CSDN
original text: https://blog.csdn.net/wzyandi/article/details/26861307
Copyright notice: This article is the original article of the blogger, please attach the blog link if you reprint it