Tag Archives: Error in TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined

[Solved] TypeError Error: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined

Get a simple project from GitHub. I want to have a look at it, but there is an exception when running NPM start, that is, react scripts start

The general errors are as follows:

- ExternalModuleFactoryPlugin.js:19 
  - NormalModuleFactory.js:159 
  - Tapable.js:75 NormalModuleFactory.applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall
  - NormalModuleFactory.js:144 NormalModuleFactory.create
  - Compilation.js:356 Compilation.process [as _addModuleChain]
  - Compilation.js:424 Compilation.process [as addEntry]
  - SingleEntryPlugin.js:24 Compiler.compiler.plugin
  - Tapable.js:107 Compiler.applyPluginsParallel
  - Compiler.js:394 Compiler.compile
  - Compiler.js:203 Compiler.runAsChild
  - compiler.js:70 
  - compiler.js:69 Object.compileTemplate
  - index.js:47 Compiler.<anonymous>
    [web]/[html-webpack-plugin]/index.js:47:40 Later, after much searching, it looked like the react-scripts version conflicted with the webpack version, so the react-scripts version was lowered from 0.9.5 to 0.7.0