Tag Archives: fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘​https’

gitfatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘​https’ [How to Solve]

1. Background notes

Today, GIT clone times fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘HTTPS’ is used in cygwin as follows:

I thought that there was something wrong with git implemented by cygwin, so I didn’t care too much about it. I replaced it with CMD, but it still reported fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘HTTPS’

And there is a warning: your console font probably doesn’t support Unicode

Title bar right click attribute, change the font to imitation song, the warning is gone, but still fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘HTTPS’

There is no way to search for a wave, and then I see a lot of like answers on stackoverflow

Special characters?It’s reasonable that git can’t not support HTTPS, and I don’t have a Chinese link. How can Unicode appear in CMD

Looking back at the link carefully, we finally find the answer: there are two spaces before HTTPS. Two spaces are not the problem, but the problem is that one space is Unicode

2. Treatment method

This kind of error rate is probably caused by special characters before the link, especially before the protocol (such as HTTP and HTTPS)

For example, the error I report here is that there is a Unicode space in front of HTTPS. Just delete it and then execute it