Tag Archives: [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request

[HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request

What are the eight life cycle hook functions of Vue>>>

[HPM] error occurred while trying to proxy request ‘/ xxxxx’
I looked for the reasons for a long time. In terms of requests, there were no problems with the proxy, but I just couldn’t find the reasons.
later, I remembered that my vscode was reinstalled today, and a plug-in was installed. Later, vscode prompted me that I didn’t install it correctly,
Then I don’t run NPM run dev in vscode, I just open the PowerShell in the folder to run it, and this problem doesn’t appear. So sometimes this error is caused by the editor, and it is estimated that the node environment is not well adjusted

——-This paragraph was edited later: after a day, I couldn’t run it outside. I just put node_ Delete the modules folder and install it again… It’s a strange question